Tue. Jan 7th, 2025

words of encouragement from a fellow colleague and friend.

We all seem to struggle from time to time with motivation. You have been here for a while but nothing seems to be happening.

We are all diamond miners. Looking for that elusive strike.

It’s a fact with diamond miners that although some may accidentally trip over one of these rare stones, most have to work really hard to find these gems, but when they do…………

Here are some pictures I’d like to share that might help make some sense of it.

This is known as an exponential curve. It starts off really slowly then suddenly skyrockets. This is almost what has happened to me. I’m not at the top yet but I’m certainly not on the flat any more either. I am climbing and each month it gets better.

From raw product to a “fortune”
Can you relate to this?

The guy in the bottom part of the picture was just about to reach the upward part of his exponential curve when he gave up.

I liken it to having the winning lottery numbers but not buying a ticket because you haven’t won in the past. Shame hey?

Believe in Yourself. Never Give Up.

The moral of the story is…… You just don’t know when you might strike it rich.

original author: Mick J.