Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Join For Free Today
Do you want to earn reoccurring commissions every month like I do?
Are you able to apply what we teach you? We have thousands of pages of free training, all available once you join.
Are you wondering “what’s this gonna cost me?”
Well it depends on your desire to see success quicker or slowly? And on your available money to invest in YOUR Business!
Yes this IS YOUR Business whenever I have extra funds I reinvest it, to multiply my earnings faster. (not necessarily at our website) Examples.. Paid ads here on Facebook, Instagram, Adwords, etc..
One of my favorite Zig Ziglar quotes is “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard – reaching for the highest that is in us – becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.”
The cost to join is zero. what costs is what we call the “Builder-Bundle” basically it is a way to build your team a little faster by adding new team members to your first level then your second, etc..
The cost of our Builder-Bundle is $55.00 a month on Auto-delivery. This is what I do, plus my own advertising to generate new sales and sign-ups! IT WORKS it’ll take time but it works!
IF you choose NOT to invest right now, you don’t have to until you feel comfortable with our business model.
Just focus on generating new referred members under you, making sure to log in everyday and earn at least 350 VersaPoints every 45 days to keep those members on your team, instead of being rolled up to me because of inactivity.
Now what our team does is generate online sales and sponsor new team members into our/your team.
Right now I am helping 5 of my team mates build their team quicker be sharing 50% of ALL my sponsored members with them on autopilot.
Once I have a total of 5 Active members on my first level ( I have 3 right now) I will switch to sharing 100% of All my sponsored affiliates with all of those who have achieved bronze team leaders or higher ( I have 5 at the moment) throughout my ENTIRE Team down 12 levels
Btw I am Gold Team Leader working my way to Platinum then Diamond.
YES this is a Legitimate, Legal, Worldwide, commission earning Affiliate Program.
NO you will NOT earn Commissions MAGICALLY, it will take WORK and Effort on both your end and mine as well!
I will be here to guide you and assist you in anyway I can, BUT I cannot do it alone! We will be a team and I will be your Mentor guiding you towards your ultimate success. Your Success IS MY Success! There is no I in TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More.) The way anyone Succeeds in Business is “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar
When you get a chance you can visit my team page here
Have a great week ahead.