Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Affiliate Program for their sister site TripleClicks which is an online mass retailer featuring thousands of merchants similar to Amazon and we have a Penny Auction which is a format that is growing faster than traditional auctions at eBay. Anyone can win the Auctions anywhere from a minimum of 77% off MSRP all the way up to nearly 100% off (99% to be Exact) I won a few months back a Silver 1 oz bar and 75 TCredits for 57 CENTS, it retails for $57 dollars. and more recently I have won 3 Personally Sponsored Members at Auction several times ranging in price from 30 cents up to $1.50. Items are sold by many different vendors who set fair prices and affiliates are paid a commission on their sales as well as shares of an Executive Bonus Pool for reaching certain ranks and completing certain actions every month. The Executive Bonus Pool is a profit share compiled of 40% of the total commissions on every sale at TripleClicks. TripleClicks has over 5.5 million members at the time of this post and is growing by roughly 6,000 to 9,000 members a day. There are over 92,730 products to earn commissions on in addition to Auction Bids called TCredits. While there are vendors including SFIMG that offer guaranteed sign ups there is no obligation to ever buy anything to participate in SFI as an affiliate marketer. SFI also offers matching points called VersaPoints which are those shares of the Executive Bonus Pool or Profit Share we talked about earlier, on up to 12 levels of downline once you reach the rank of team leader. This allows members to participate in referring other free affiliates and profiting from their sales and activities on the site as well. THERE ARE NO DIRECT COMMISSION ON PSA SALES…, another lie these malcontent misinformed and fake SFI Scam Review sites try to tell you. You Earn Commissions on ALL First Level PSA’s. and on levels 2-12 you earn bonus Matching VersaPoints on ALL EA2’s(Executive Affiliate’s in their second and continuing Months Which can add up Quickly I have seen 2-3 MILLION Matching VP on a couple of my online friends accounts ) Are there additional streams of income like some people say in Strong Future International Reviews? In all there are 6 streams of income in the SFI Affiliate program of which I employ 5 of them and love the new Designated Diamonds program. Designated Diamond is when I see someone who joins under me and is dedicated to growing their business I can send them an invite to make a commitment to maintaining EA2 or above rank for 5 years, to making certain ranks within specific time frames, and being a Diamond Team Leader making thousands of dollars a month within 5 years. Each SFI affiliate has a limited number of these invites so they are for ELITE Referrals only. I have 1 designated diamond as of this writing i am about to offer it to another fairly new sign up in the next couple of days   Why are there people who say SFI is a scam? There may be tons of them but it’s what is called poison pen reviews that get these started. A person joins the program with a preconceived notion they will get rich quick and after a few months discover that SFI is the real deal with work required which is what I try to tell them from day one. When they fail they blame SFI instead of themselves, quitting before success could happen. What are some other facts that prove SFI is not a scam? → 18 years in business. → Carson Services Inc of Lincoln Nebraska has been in the Affiliate/Network Marketing field for 31+ years and is the parent company of the founders Gery and Bonnie Carson. →  Over One million Affiliates. → 5.5 Million TripleClicks Members → Millions in sales. → Millions paid in affiliate commissions on time every time. → Excellent direct support from me and your extended upline and a peer network like no other. → A Solid training program that is second to none. → No forced purchases of any type ever. → Millions of Satisfied Affiliates including me. → No Forced Pyramid Scheme → No need to pay to Earn.   SFI is not a SCAM, and it is paying us well. I have personally earned income as an Associate which is Direct Commissions, and from referring other ECA’s as well as Thousands of shares in the Executive Bonus Pool. I have been as high as Silver Team Leader. I am currently on a 44 month stretch of EA2 or higher (nearly a Year as a Bronze Team Leader) and have always tried to pay for any purchases I chose to make at TripleClicks with profits earned. By law and SFI rules I can not tell you how much I make because my results could be very different than yours but I can tell you that it’s still young, my business at SFI, and I have earned many times over what i freely paid (a Mere $36.25 per month which I pay every month we’ve been with them. I stand here Honored with this Strong Future International Review and say SFI is not a Scam, and SFI is a real genuine Business Opportunity But one that is NOT Given to you on a Silver Platter You actually Have to WORK on YOUR Business by placing ads online and being a Great Sponsor to your Team. Robert Pugliese Jr 3 Years and 8 Months as an Affiliate of SFIMG Co-Owner/   Join SFI For FREE Today! originally posted by Andy Anderson edited with my own content and true and accurate information. Thank you Andy you are a Great team Leader in SFI, your input at our Forum is always helpful and direct!]]>