Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Hello Fellow Blogger’s and friends I hope that this message finds you well. I just wanted to Thank you for sharing a moment of your time with me today.  Affiliate Programs has exploded on the internet. Thousands of people join them everyday. The SFI Affiliate Program is one of the best examples of such phenomenal success. If affiliate programs are so popular, so widely available and booming like mushrooms…Why do most affiliates have a hard time making them work? It could be that they’re not effectively marketing their business, or they didn’t develop a solid foundation for building their business. Nevertheless, some affiliates are making big bucks. Many successful affiliates easily bring in incomes of $100,000 or more per year. Making anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000 per month is easier than you might think. Of course, many affiliates never make much money at all. They either fail or just plain give up. One of the most important things to do when trying to succeed with a Home Based Business is to have a compelling reason why you want to work from home or start a home business. Write your reason (WHY) down and refer to it often especially when you need motivation or just to stay focus. For example, if you wanted to spend more time with your family, make your own schedule, or quit your job, or get out of debt…write these reasons down and make them apart of you life. Many people fail because they don’t have a clear vision of where they want to go, how to get there, or even where to start. First of all, you absolutely have to know what it is that you want. Then do some research on how to get there. There is an overwhelming number of work at home opportunities and business startup programs that you can investigate online. Just type those or similar terms into your internet browser to see the results that you get. However, be careful about the programs that you choose to participate in as there are lots of illegal scams out there as well! Just take the time to research and ask questions before you jump in. Another way for you to stay focus and succeed online is to set your goals. Goals are an important part of your overall vision. For example, if you wanted to quit your job in one year, you have to have a plan on how to aggressively replace your current income. Developing your why, vision, and goals with the right Affiliate Programs will absolutely put you on the fast track to replacing your current income, and quitting your day job. Once you set your mind and heart in the right direction you will succeed at anything you choose to do. So, lay the ground work for your future first by doing the things that I’m laying out for you here. It‘s equally important to Choose the right types of Affiliate Programs to join.  That Said… SFI is not a SCAM, and it is paying us well. I have personally earned Commissions as an Associate which is Direct Commissions, and from referring other ECA’s as well as Thousands of shares in the Executive Bonus Pool. I have been as high as Silver Team Leader. I am currently on a 50 month stretch of EA2 or higher (nearly a Year and a half as a Bronze Team Leader and now 6 months as a Silver Team Leader) and have always tried to pay for any purchases I chose to make at TripleClicks with profits earned. By law and SFI rules I can not tell you how much I make because my results could be very different than yours but I can tell you that it’s still young, my business at SFI, and I have earned many times over what i freely paid (a Mere $36.25 per month which I pay every month we’ve been with them. I stand here Honored with our SFI Business and say SFI is not a Scam, and SFI is a real genuine Business Opportunity, But one that is NOT Given to you on a Silver Platter You actually Have to WORK on YOUR Business by placing ads online and supporting your Team. We have been Members of SFI for 4 Years and 2 Months.     Join SFI For FREE Today!    


Understand that running an Internet business is a marathon and 


Many people get impatient and give up too quickly when not

getting the results that they want. 


If you acknowledge that you are in this for the long haul 


you will make better decisions and enjoy your success more once 


you do achieve it.



Never Give Up!

IF you ARE interested in starting YOUR Very First or even your Second Online Business  come with me and my wonderful team and join us in this journey towards Success together. Please feel free to click on the banner linked above or just Join Today!
And IF for some reason you decide that my Online Business in not for you feel free to check out my Lead generator and profit sharing website, LeadsLeap, by clicking HERE  It’s FREE to Join and there is a Paid version available too, for $19.90 per month, that is what I have subscribed to so it is worth the $20 in my books, for numerous benefits including Vital Leads for ANY Business you might be involved with! I have gotten tons of sign ups from LeadsLeap and thousands of hits to my main Business every month!
Please enjoy your day, Thank You for your Time.